Subject: HTML: FileMaker Pro HTML Tabl... Author: Joel Bowers Uploaded By: CJ DaveAx Date: 2/6/1996 File: wwwTable Ä.sit (35734 bytes) Estimated Download Time (53797 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 1096 Equipment: Any Mac or PPC Needs: FileMaker Pro 2.0 Keywords: HTML HELPER TABLE FMPRO FILEMAKER TYPE: Freeware FileMaker Pro Add-on LIBRARY: IC/Personal Publishing ------------------------------------------- KEYWORDS: HTML HELPER TABLE FMPRO FILEMAKER Author's Description: The attached solution is designed to help build html tables from a FileMaker databases and paste them directly into your html editor. This is version 1.0 and has been tested, but may need a little more explanation for those who are unfamiliar with scripts in FileMaker. At the very least you can use the example table to input/import up to 5 columns of data and generate tables in an instant from a found set [sort it any way you want to]. This simple html helper will give you an idea of the many powerful html solutions that you can build using FileMaker Pro. It is freeware - my gift to the online community, but it requires FileMaker Pro version 2 or later. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Internet Connection Forum Libraries. Keyword: NET SOFTWARE This file has been checked for viruses. TDC